
Monday, October 15, 2012

DVD Curriculum Review: She's Got Issues by Nicole Unice

I received this copy of Nicole Unice's dvd curriclum "She's Got Issues:  a dvd group experience" (and accompanying book, She's Got Issues) from Tyndale free of charge as part of the Tyndale Blog Network.

I'd been hearing about Nicole Unice's book She's Got Issues, so when I joined the Tyndale Blog Network and saw the curriculum was one of my choices to review, I quickly chose it.  The curriculum does not come with the book included; it must be purchased separately (but thanks to Ms. Unice for having the publisher include a book for me!), but it does include a Participant's Guide on the dvd that may be printed out.

In the dvd curriculum, Unice has six group sessions:

  • Surrendering the Kung-Fu Control Grip
  • Insidious Insecurity
  • Quitting the Comparison Game
  • The Big Leap from Fear to Freedom
  • Breaking the Silence on Anger
  • Uprooting the Bitter Weed of Unforgiveness
In addition to the topical sessions, there is also a short video for leaders as well as an introduction to the study.

The cover of the dvd case (and the book) is fun and inviting: a woman with her finger to her lips saying "shh"--to signify that we just don't talk about these issues.  

For the purposes of this review, so as not to make it too long I will focus on the introduction and first session.

In the introduction, Ms. Unice explains that there was a time in her life when she felt as though she wasn't experiencing the kind of freedom she thought Jesus was offering, or the change that should come with being a Christian.  She felt as though she wasn't really any different from the rest of the women living on her street, Christian or not, and these are the thoughts that grew into the book and then the curriculum.  She wondered what it is that keeps us from living the life that God offers us.  

Session 1:  Control opens with Nicole Unice speaking with another woman in what has the feel of a counseling session.  In this segment, which lasts about six minutes, the two speak about the woman's problem with control in her marriage.  It has an open and honest feel to it, although I wondered if it would make single women watching feel as if this couldn't really be an issue for them.   After the conversation ends, there is a time to pause the video in order to work on a journal exercise in the Participant's Guide.  

In the next segment, which is the main part of the session, Ms. Unice speaks to a group of women sitting on a couch. The session opens and closes with prayer, and in the middle Ms. Unice speaks of control, using scripture to explain some issues about control.  She brings a great deal of insight to the topic of control, explaining that while God has given us control (Genesis 1:26), we have used it in an independent way; we interpret the power He's given us outside of His kingdom.

I think the content of She's Got Issues is great and would work well in a women's Bible study.  As I mentioned earlier, that first session of the woman speaking about marriage might make some women think this is not for them, but I'd encourage them to stick with it.  I also wasn't sure what the purpose was of having the four women sit on the couch and listen as that was all they did--listen.  There was no interaction and it seemed as if it was done to give a feel of a chat with close friends, which is great, but it didn't quite get there.  


Nicole Unice said...

Hey Kelly! Thanks for taking the time to review the book and DVD! In the midst of blogging and mothering, I know it can be really hard to squeeze in someone else's work, so I'm really appreciative of that.

In the interest of your readers, the rest of the DVD interview series includes a twentysomething single gal, a young engaged gal, a stay at home mom, a young married (you saw her) and a working mom with older children. It's always a risk to talk about specific life circumstances because women may not feel included. But our hope was that over the entire course of the book and study, women would find at least one story that resonated with her place in life and/or heart issue. Any of your readers who want to watch a full session of the DVD can go over to to check it out. Thanks again!

Kelly J Youngblood said...

Hi Nicole! Thanks for commenting and adding that information. (Your comment was the very first one that Disqus seemed to think was spam since I've started using it, so sorry it didn't post right away!).

I did have some computer issues while I was trying to read/watch so I didn't do as great of a job as I normally expect of myself but I do hope people will feel compelled to read the book and use the curriculum. I'm actually going to suggest it to a women's Bible study that I am in. We're doing something else through the fall, but when we start a new session in January I'm going to give this a plug.

Nicole Unice said...

thanks Kelly. :)