
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Writing Plans in 2013

I kind of fizzled out with blogging sometime in November, so I'm going to try to keep to a Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday schedule and see how that goes.  Since I'm writing this Wednesday morning I've already missed Tuesday, but I'm going to see if I can just backdate it and post it with yesterday's date ;)

I stink at making resolutions, so the only one I really am making is to really concentrate on my writing.  I also think I will do this "one word" idea, although I haven't come up with a word yet.

My specific writing plans for 2013 will include:

  • fewer book reviews, or at least requesting books on a different schedule so they don't all pile up at once, so I can concentrate more on writing what I want to write (but free books are SO tempting, so it'll be hard)
  • picking back up with some of the on-going series such as "Exploring the Heidelberg Catechism" and "What I Learned".
  • Writing and scheduling posts ahead of time
  • Completing my women in leadership study guide by the beginning of March (we start the class at church on March 17) and pursuing how to possibly get it published.
There, that's not so many, and it seems manageable!  Here's to a productive 2013!

1 comment:

R.Whosit said...

Excellent! Sometimes cutting back does need to be one of our goals doesn't it. I have a hard time putting down a good book as well. Good luck with your goals!